Author: carla

How to be a Good Listener?

By: carla
December 22, 2022
Many of us undermine the benefits of being a good listener. We tend to think of listening as somewhat a passive behavior, but there’s undoubtably a lot going on between...

How to Ace your next Presentation!

By: carla
December 21, 2022
Most of us have experienced those butterflies in our belly or our throat drying out when we had to give a speech, lead a group meeting, or present a certain...

The Impact of Gratitude on our Mental Wellbeing

By: carla
December 21, 2022
Gratitude is typically defined as a disposition or characteristic that allows an individual to perceive and appreciate the positive and meaningful aspects of life. Simply put, gratitude is one’s ability...

How to Silence your Inner Critic?

By: carla
December 15, 2022
When your internal narrative is negative, it can leave you feeling defeated and damaged as it influences how you feel, behave and even how you live your life.  Some more...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety: How Does It Work?

By: carla
December 14, 2022
Most people love being in the company of others and can’t wait to be around family or friends. Yet this may be a different story for some others living with...

How can a Daily Nature Walk help you Feel Better?

By: carla
December 13, 2022
Exercise is good for your body. You already know this information. But did you know that nature walk can also boost your mood, improve your sleep, and help you cope...

How to Calm Down Quickly?

By: carla
December 12, 2022
When I’m feeling stressed and overwhelmed, the last thing I need to hear is “just calm down”. That not only never works, but it usually throws me into a deeper...

How to Become More Mindful in Your Life?

By: carla
December 12, 2022
Mindfulness is not just about our minds but our whole beings. When we are all mind, things can get rigid. When we are all heart, things can get chaotic. Both...

Is Sleep Affecting Your Mental Health?

By: carla
December 8, 2022
Sleep is essential to all of us, but many struggle with it. Why are our bodies so dependent on a good night’s sleep?  If we only look at the data...

Successfully Managing Life Transitions

By: carla
December 7, 2022
Change is fundamental to our existence, and yet, we often spend a considerable amount of time either avoiding it or stressing about it. Whether change is good or bad, wanted...

6 Tips for Building Self-Trust

By: carla
December 5, 2022
Trusting yourself isn’t an easy task for everyone. If you struggle with self- trust, know you are not alone. We all go through instances where we do not trust ourselves. It...

Using Psychology in Drug/ Alchohol Addiction Treatment

By: carla
December 5, 2022
When treating any type of addiction, it’s vital to remember that addiction is never purely physical. Addicted individuals develop an emotional and psychological attachment to the substances they abuse as...

What is Bipolar Disorder?

By: carla
December 2, 2022
Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes changes in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function. People with thisdisorder experience intense emotional states. It typically occurs during distinct...

What are Emotional Flashbacks?

By: carla
December 2, 2022
Emotional flashbacks describe the experience of being reminded of past trauma and your body responding by replicating the emotions you felt during that traumatic event. There are many symptoms associated with...

Is it possible to improve your memory?

By: carla
December 1, 2022
Most of us suffer from a weak memory or memory failure here and there. Failing to recall a person’s name, a song title, or a movie ending. Memory holes are...

Dedicating ‘Me Time’ during the Holiday Chaos

By: carla
December 1, 2022
The holidays are an exciting time of good cheer, warm family traditions, and spending time with friends. For many people, the idea of entering a crowded room and chatting up...

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

By: carla
November 30, 2022
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a hybrid therapy developed by Marisa Peer. It combines principles of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is specially designed for rapid relief of...

What is Behavior Modification?

By: carla
November 30, 2022
Behavior modification is the process of changing patterns of human behavior over the long-term using various motivational techniques. It can be a useful tool to encourage desirable behaviors in yourself,...

What is Mental Fatigue and What Causes It?

By: carla
November 29, 2022
Do you find yourself dragging by mid-morning? Tired of pushing through despite feeling tired all day long? Running on empty doesn’t have to be your norm. In this blog, you...

Holiday Stress? Discover 6 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

By: carla
November 29, 2022
The “most wonderful time of the year” can quickly turn into the most stressful time of the year for many. When you are compounded by a mental illness, holiday pressures...


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