Online Therapy in Emergencies

By: Dr Carla Kesrouani June 2, 2023 no comments

Online Therapy in Emergencies

Online therapy keeps becoming increasingly popular as it is a convenient and accessible way to receive mental health support. However, in case of emergencies, online therapy presents unique challenges for both the therapist and client.

Accessing Emergency Services

One main concern people worry about regarding online therapy in emergencies is how to access emergency services. Unlike in-person therapy, online therapy sessions may not provide immediate access to emergency services or crisis support. This can be particularly challenging for people who may be experiencing a mental health crisis and need immediate support.

Accordingly, therapists who offer online therapy try to have a clear plan in place for how to respond in these situations. This includes providing clients with information on emergency services in their area, such as crisis hotlines or local emergency rooms. Therapists may also work with clients to develop a crisis plan that outlines steps to take in the event of an emergency.

Establishing Trust and Building Relationships

Another challenge during emergencies is the need to establish trust and build relationships in a virtual setting. During a crisis, clients may need to feel a strong connection with their therapist in order to feel supported and understood. However, building this connection can be more difficult in an online setting, where nonverbal cues and physical presence may be limited.

To overcome this challenge, therapists may need to use different strategies to establish trust and build relationships with clients during online therapy sessions. This includes active listening, empathetic responses, and video conferencing to facilitate more natural conversations. Therapists also need to be more intentional about checking in with clients and providing ongoing support outside of scheduled sessions.

Ensuring Confidentiality and Privacy

Another concern that therapists may face in emergency situations is the need to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Clients may worry about the security of their personal information and whether they’re protected and safe during online therapy sessions. This can be particularly challenging during a crisis, when clients may be more vulnerable to privacy breaches or unauthorized access to their information.

To address this concern, therapists who offer online therapy should ensure that they are using secure and encrypted platforms for their sessions. They also set clear policies in place for how to protect client information and respond to any privacy breaches that may occur. Therapists may also need to work with clients to establish clear boundaries around the use of technology during online therapy sessions and ensure that clients understand how to protect their own privacy.


Online therapy can be a valuable resource for people seeking mental health support, even during emergency situations. However, it is important to recognize and address the unique challenges that may arise during online therapy in these situations. Thus, by working with clients to establish clear crisis plans, building strong relationships, and ensuring confidentiality and privacy, therapists can help clients navigate these challenges and receive the support they need.

Dr Carla offers online therapy services. If it may concern you, you can reach out for further details.



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