RTT and Lyme Disease

By: Dr Carla Kesrouani May 22, 2023 no comments

RTT and Lyme Disease

The Role of RTT in Managing Symptoms of Chronic Lyme Disease

Chronic Lyme disease is a difficult-to-treat condition caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick. Symptoms can range from fatigue, joint pain, and muscle aches to neurological problems, such as memory loss and difficulty concentrating.

What is RTT?

One approach to treating chronic Lyme disease is through the use of a therapy called the RTT (Resonant Tissue Technology) protocol. RTT is a non-invasive therapy that involves exposing the body to low-frequency electromagnetic waves. The waves are thought to help stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, reduce inflammation, and enhance the immune system’s ability to fight off infections.

Individual patient’s needs

Tailoring the RTT protocol involves a series of treatments that to the individual patient’s needs. The treatments typically last between 30 minutes and an hour and observe by a healthcare professional. The patient lies on a treatment table while a device that emits the low-frequency waves is on or near the affected area of the body.

Improvement in Lyme disease symptoms

Research on the use of RTT in managing symptoms of chronic Lyme disease is limit, but some studies have shown promising results. In one study, researchers found that patients who received RTT treatments experienced significant improvements in their symptoms, including fatigue, joint pain, and sleep disturbances, compared to a control group that did not receive the treatment.

Reducing Inflammation

Another study found that RTT was effective in reducing inflammation and pain in patients with chronic Lyme disease. The researchers also noted that the treatment appeared to enhance the immune system’s ability to fight off infections.

RTT is not a cure

While RTT shows promise as a treatment for chronic Lyme disease, it is important to note that it is not a cure. Patients may still need to use antibiotics or other medications to manage their symptoms, and the effectiveness of RTT may vary depending on the individual patient’s condition.

RTT is expensive

In addition, RTT is not widely available and can be expensive. Patients should consult with a healthcare professional who is familiar with the treatment and can provide guidance on whether it may be appropriate for their individual case.


In conclusion, while needing more research to fully understand the effectiveness of RTT in managing symptoms of chronic Lyme disease, early studies suggest that it may be a promising therapy for some patients. As with any treatment, patients should consult with a healthcare professional and carefully consider the risks and benefits before deciding to pursue RTT.



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